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“Тед Лассо” – это душевный и признанный критиками комедийный сериал, который захватил весь мир. Известный своим заразительным оптимизмом и симпатичными персонажами, сериал рассказывает о путешествии американского футбольного тренера Теда Лассо, когда он берет на себя роль футбольного менеджера вымышленного английского клуба AFC Richmond. Помимо смеха и приятных моментов, в этой статье мы рассмотрим полезные фразы, идиомы и запоминающиеся обороты из сериала, которые завоевали сердца поклонников по всему миру.
One of Ted Lasso’s most memorable phrases, “be a goldfish,” serves as a metaphor for letting go of mistakes and living in the present. When faced with setbacks or failures, Ted advises his players and colleagues to adopt the short memory of a goldfish and focus on the task at hand rather than dwelling on past missteps. This simple phrase encapsulates the show’s positive and forward-thinking philosophy.
This British idiom, often used in the show, means to go beyond what is acceptable or reasonable. When a situation becomes particularly outrageous or absurd, characters exclaim, “That takes the biscuit!” This phrase adds a touch of humor and emphasizes the comical moments that Ted and his team find themselves in throughout the series.
In British slang, “takin’ the piss” refers to mocking or making fun of someone or something. Ted Lasso often encounters this phrase as he navigates the cultural differences between the UK and the US. Its inclusion in the show adds authenticity and showcases the humorous misunderstandings that arise when different linguistic nuances collide.
This phrase, commonly heard in competitive reality shows, takes on a different meaning in “Ted Lasso.” When Rebecca Welton, the club’s owner, first hires Ted, she warns him, “You’re not here to make friends.” However, Ted’s genuine and compassionate nature challenges this notion, as he builds strong relationships with his players and colleagues. The phrase is turned on its head, highlighting the transformative power of kindness and friendship.
This simple yet profound phrase encapsulates the passion and dedication that football (soccer) holds for many fans around the world. Ted Lasso’s unwavering belief in the power of the game to unite, inspire, and teach life lessons echoes throughout the series. “Football is life” represents the show’s central theme and reinforces the idea that sports can have a profound impact on individuals and communities.
As Ted Lasso faces numerous challenges, both on and off the field, the word “believe” becomes a recurring mantra. It serves as a reminder to stay positive, have faith in oneself, and trust in the potential of others. This simple word carries a significant emotional weight, reflecting Ted’s unwavering optimism and his ability to inspire those around him.
This simple yet profound phrase encapsulates the passion and dedication that football (soccer) holds for many fans around the world. Ted Lasso’s unwavering belief in the power of the game to unite, inspire, and teach life lessons echoes throughout the series. “Football is life” represents the show’s central theme and reinforces the idea that sports can have a profound impact on individuals and communities.
In American football, a “turnover” refers to the loss of possession by the offensive team. In the context of the show, “turnovers” take on a metaphorical meaning, representing unexpected and transformative moments in the characters’ lives. The series is filled with unexpected twists and turns that challenge the characters and push them to grow, both personally and professionally.
Сериал “Тед Лассо” покорил сердца зрителей по всему миру своим искренним юмором, проникновенным повествованием и запоминающимися персонажами. Использование в сериале фразеологизмов, идиом и оборотов придает повествованию глубину и достоверность, усиливая впечатления зрителей. От придающей силы простоты “будь золотым”.
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